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Sunday, January 1, 2012

What is a Splash Page?

Online marketing has become so competitive these days that without branding, your marketing efforts may become lost to those willing to take the initiative to set themselves apart from other marketers.  Online marketing is essential to survive in this competitive business world and websites require professionalism to market their business online.  Those in MLM Companies  and affiliate marketers may find that the replicated websites given to them by their companies wreak havoc on their Search Engine Optimization.   Having a Splash Page allows you to optimize your page for the search engines as well as provide a way for you to brand yourself.  A Splash Page is a short one page site that explains why people should check out your website or join your list.  It is a great way to add subscribers to your list and is extremely effective when promoting a webpage  that is too long for a Traffic Exchange

There are many Splash page makers available with different functionality so play around and find one that you are most comfortable with.  If you find the price that most charge for this service is not within your budget you can always go for a free website maker.  I use http://www.blinkweb.com.  I prefer them because unlike most other free websites you can create an unlimited number of webpages.

The key to remember when creating a Splash Page is that you want to induce an action from your viewer  therefore you want to grab their attention using great text fonts and graphics while maintaining professionalism.  If you are using a traffic exchange such as Tropic Traffic you must understand that you only have a few seconds to grab their attention before they move on to the next site in rotation.  You will want to create multiple versions of your splash page so  that you can track your marketing efforts by seeing different results for different versions of your splash page.  There is nothing wrong with looking at successful marketers and emulating their techniques for a successful marketing plan. Just make sure  to take what you learn and make it your own and I can not stress enough Branding is key.  At Tropic Traffic we love Splash Pages  and we will give you 500 free credits when you join to show off what you learn.  So start creating your splash pages and head on over to Tropic Traffic Today

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. -- Jimmy Johnson

Monday, October 24, 2011

Auto Surf and Manual Traffic Exchange- Whats the difference?

If this is your first time hearing the word Traffic exchange where have you been?  Traffic exchanges have been around for years and are doing great things for a lot of entrepreneurs and their business.  Today I want to speak to you on the difference between auto surf  and a manual traffic exchange.  If you are unsure what a traffic exchange is, take a look at my blog post entitled "What is a traffic exchange" so that you can get your self acquainted with Tropic Traffic and find out how you can get some free credits to increase website traffic.

Auto surf means just that, the process is automatic.  I know this may sound great but I want you to keep in mind that by only having to set it and let the system do the work for you, many people will do just that.  Setting it and going about their day.  The whole purpose of using Traffic exchanges is to promote your website  right?  well how much traffic do you think you will get if no one is viewing your ad?  I'm not telling you not to use them. I just want you to be aware of the possibility that your ads may not get seen.

Tropic Traffic is a manual surf traffic exchange meaning that you have to manually click a button to advance to another members ads after viewing  for a predetermined amount of time.  The amount of time depends on your membership level. For those that may get cramps in their finger from clicking so many times, Tropic Traffic offers "mouse-over technology" which means you can just move the mouse over a certain spot to advance.  With this method you can be sure that a live person is viewing your ad as most exchanges have anti cheat methods to make sure.

Many of you are into affiliate marketing and therefore want to promote your affiliate program.  This is not a problem and works well in a traffic exchange. However it may be wise for you to create a splash page or a landing page that leads them to the affiliate site.  I will discuss splash pages in detail later but for now just know that it is a one page site that sorta teases the viewer making them want to click through to your site.  You can use a splash page for any or all of your ads not just affiliate programs.  Just make sure to get creative and make them eye catching. and don't forget the branding

So now that you know the difference between auto surf and a manual traffic exchange you can make an informed decision.  But keep in mind if you join Tropic Traffic you can get 500 free credits to increase website traffic

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to increase website traffic using Tropic Traffic

In the last post we explained What is a traffic exchange?  Today we will discuss how to effectively surf the traffic exchange to increase website traffic using  Tropic Traffic.com.   Tropic Traffic is a free manual traffic exchange. There are other exchanges that are "Auto Surf" But we will explain the difference between the two in another post.

Sign up with Topic Traffic at http://www.tropictraffic.com/join.php by filling in your first and last name, email address and choosing a password that you will remember.  Make sure to read the agreement statement by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. After submitting your information you will receive a confirmation email.  Make sure you add webmaster@tropictraffic.com to your email whitelist so that you do not miss any important updates or promotions they may have. 

The first step in compiling your game plan is to decide if you are actually going to surf the traffic exchange or just buy advertisement to promote your sites.  Either works well but you need to understand what works for your budget  (if you have not already figured out what your advertising budget is I suggest you surf for credits until you have gotten your game plan together).  There are different membership levels that affect your surfing experience.  Tropic Traffic offers a free basic membership where you will enjoy benefits such as a 10 second timer, 2:1 surf ratio which is progressive which means for every 20 Sites you Visit your Surfing Ratio will Increase. Tropic Traffic also offers Surfing Contests  Three Daily Winners, Three Weekly Winners, Three Monthly Winners as well as free Member Rotating Banner as long as you have credits.  There are also Gold and Platinum memberships which enjoy shorter surf timers, better surf ratios, and free monthly credits.  These upgraded memberships can be obtained for a small monthly fee. All members are given the opportunity to email your  referrals 

Surfing the exchange is not hard although all sites are not made the same. Most sites have a series of images that you must match to continue to the next site.  Tropic Traffic uses mouse-over technology which allows you to to simply run your mouse over a spot to advance. Or you can click through if you want.  Either options are available.  Keep in mind clicking sooner than needed or clicking the wrong image will not make your surfing faster it will only slow you down as the timer will reset giving you no credits and in some cases excessive abuse will lead to disciplinary action.

Surfing is more than just clicking, watching, and waiting. There is a strategy to it. In business you should always look to your competition to make yours better.  Do not stick to only paying attention to those sites in your niche.  look at those you see most often.  This is a sign that something special might be going on.  Study the words they use in their ads.  Look at the way they format their splash pages.  I am not an advocate of plagiarism so make sure not to just copy and paste their work however if you can take a good thing and make it better your business has a better chance for success.  Just make sure that YOU show through in your ad copy.  Remember branding is key!

Try a few different ads with different headlines, text fonts, and graphics.  You will definitely want to track your click through conversions to see which ad is most effective.  You will know you are on to something when a particular ad starts driving traffic.  You can also place multiple ads of that same successful configuration for greater results.

Now I hope  you have an understanding of how to effectively surf the traffic exchange.  However if anything is unclear to you or maybe you use an exchange that operates differently from Tropic Traffic just leave a comment and I'll help you get a better understanding.

I thank you for reading and hope you have gotten an idea of  how to increase website traffic using Tropic Traffic. join today and maximize your website success. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

what is a Traffic Exchange

Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to read it.  I will strive to provide you low to no cost ways to advertise your website and increase website traffic.  Today we will focus on what is a traffic exchange.   

A Traffic Exchange (sometimes called a Hit Exchange) is a website designed to help you drive more traffic
to your website.  By joining a Traffic Exchange you are able to gain more exposure for your website or affiliate program by viewing the ads of others.   I understand that you may feel as if you are too busy to view other people's sites however you don't have to surf if you are short on time.  All Traffic Exchanges sell advertising, many at ridiculously low prices. Therefore, you can purchase ads and let the system do all the work for you

By using this method of  generating web traffic you have a very powerful, effective, low cost way of:
  • Branding your self (which is key in today's business world)
  • Gathering leads (because the money is in the list)
  • Seeing what your competition is up to (so that you can become better)
  • And even receiving sales directly from the Exchange (so that you can put more into your business)

Because Traffic Exchanges are member based you will need to open a free account.  Most if not all offer you an upgraded membership if you desire more out of your surfing experience.  By operating on a credit based system you participate in the system for credits and in turn spend them  for banner ad impressions, text links, and in some cases, e-mail advertisements.

Maintaining an active membership in the Traffic Exchange can generate a tremendous flow of traffic for the websites you wish to advertise.  This is an excellent way to showcase your product or service.

If you re ready to increase website traffic you can sign up free at Tropic Traffic.   If you join now you will get 500 free credits to help promote your website and as  thank you for reading this blog just email the webmaster and tell them I sent you to get 500 more credits.  Not bad just for reading a blog huh